Year 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome to year 1!
Spring 1

This half term in history we will learning about the past, present and future. We will be finding out how life has changed since the children's grandparents were the children's age. How has entertainment, toys and transport changed? We will be learning how to make a timeline.
In Science we will be learning about different groups of animals including mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects, birds and fish. How do we catagorise these animals? What group do humans fit into?
In Computing we will be learning what an algorithm is. We will learn that an algorithm is a set of instructions used to solve a problem. We will be maze runners giving directions and learning that a route is a path an object can take to get somewhere. We will also, learning what technology we can use outside of school.
In music we will be learning how to create sound patterns (rhythms). We will explore clapping along to repeated words and phrases, creating rhymic patterns to tell a familiar fairytale.
In PE we will learn how to be gymnasts! We will be learning 5 different balances including a straight, star, tuck, pike and straddle balance. We will learn how to create these individually and with a partner. We will learn how to travel and make a series of movements. We will learn how to use appratus safely.
In PHSE we will be thinking aboyt our health and wellbeing. We will learn about medicines and the importance of looking after our teeth.
In DT we will learn about the key parts of a wheeled vehicle including wheels, axles and axle holders. We will develop our understanding of how wheels work and make our own moving vehicles!
In English we will be reading 'A tiger who came to tea' by Judith Kerr and 'Mrs Armitage queen of the road' by Quentin Blake. We will also be reading different versions of 'The Three Musketeers' in preparation for our trip to the theatre.
In Maths we will be learning about numbers to 50, addition and subtraction within 20, length and height and mass and capacity.
We are looking forward to a very busy but fun half term!
The teaching team:
Miss Parton(Class 2), Mrs Giblin (class 3)
Mrs Thompson, Mrs Smith and Miss Bond
Important things to know:
School starts at 8.40am and our day finishes at 3.10pm.
As well as reading every night, homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday. For help with your homework click on the 'Homework and homework help' tab or follow this link.
You need to have your PE kit in school every day.
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