Welcome to Cledford Primary & Nursery School
Welcome to Cledford Primary & Nursery SchoolCledford is an inclusive primary and nursery school with a reputation for a personalised approach to learning for every pupil, including social and emotional education. Our teachers are kind and positive in their interactions with children and we invest in relationships as the cornerstone of good learning. The '3Rs' at Cledford are Respect, Responsibility and Resilience and we teach these values to our pupils every day. At Cledford we are committed to enabling every child to learn to speak well, to read with confidence and to write with intent and to be able to use mathematics in context and to solve problems. We have high expectations of what can be achieved and we believe in the power of practice. We are proud to be an 'artsmark gold' school and of our tradition of using the arts to ignite learning. We have a proud sporting tradition at Cledford too. Our staff are skilled practitioners and are passionate about active lifestyles and school sport. Pupils enjoy a wide range of opportunities both in lessons and in after school clubs. We have a saying at Cledford - 'we don't just admit children; we admit families'. Our commitment to family support and to parent partnership is a strength; we know the value of working together to help children succeed. If you would like to see the school in action we would be proud to show you around our happy, successful community. Please call or email the school office to arrange a visit. Kind regards Mr C Adlington School Principal |