Class 5 - Fox Howl

24.05.22 4pm Class 5 were joined by Class 4 at Fox Howl today! Class 5 children are all home safely after having a great adventure.

24.05.22 9:30am After a good breakfast the children are all off 'den building'.

24.05.22 7am Everyone has had a good sleep! The girls were awake before the boys.

23.05.22 7:30pm The children have all had tea and are now sat by the campfire toasting marshmallows.

23.05.22 12:30pm Everyone is having lunch outside, next to the play area. The children are all very happy and enjoying their time.

23.05.22 9:45am  Class 5, Y2 (children and staff), were very excited as they left to go to Fox Howl! More updates as we receive them!

Cledford Primary School, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD